Friday, 30 November 2018


"Did you love it?"
I just smile and stare at him. A million thoughts are racing through my mind, i just lost my innocence in a hostel bed. With a man that i have just known for a few months but my heart really seems to trust him and my body is just sooooo hot for him.
"It felt like i was in heaven, i have never felt this way before" he looks at me and smiles. I smile back.
Then it hits me, what if am pregnant? Oh My God, what am i going to do.
As if he is reading my thoughts he says, "you have to take postinor 2 (P2)" i stare at him. He continues "just so you don't get pregnant"
"what is that?" believe you me, i have never heard of that drug, i didn't even know there is a drug you take to prevent pregnancy.
"where can i find it?"
"we will just buy it at a chemist " he looks at me.
Am too embarrassed to go to a chemist, because am thinking, oh no,  the chemist is gonna know that i just had sex.
"you are the one who is going to buy," i tell him and he says okay
he buys the drug and i take it.
the rest of the way we dont talk, we just walk in silence. we were going to a party.
out of the blue he asks me, "are we going to do this again?"
what do you think my response was?


The first time i had sex was with my Husband. 

The chemistry was fierce and the Love was burning.
Back then he was just a good friend and we were just getting to know each other. 
I liked him and loved his body, his personality was different and i couldn't figure him out.
Curiosity led me to him. That was the reason he got access to my body.
I was a university student when i met him in my first year, the first semester. But i dint have sex with him until my second year, the second semester. I remember well because it was on a Saturday, April and the day i lost my innocence.
we had a good relationship because we were best friends, he would confide in me and so would i, we loved each others company and usually talked about how we were never ever going to get bored of each other.
The Love, The Sex was the beginning of a new chapter for me.
Tune in tomorrow to find out what happened.

Thursday, 29 November 2018


The mixed emotions associated with the first time you learn you are pregnant are unexplainable. the first time you realize that another being is within you. 
join me on my journey of motherhood, for the first time moms and also for the moms out there. we all have something in common to share as we journey on with our lives under the sun.
For the Men too, for they also play a role in our becoming mothers. 
follow my blog and subscribe to receive new posts by email, every time i share something.