Friday 30 November 2018


"Did you love it?"
I just smile and stare at him. A million thoughts are racing through my mind, i just lost my innocence in a hostel bed. With a man that i have just known for a few months but my heart really seems to trust him and my body is just sooooo hot for him.
"It felt like i was in heaven, i have never felt this way before" he looks at me and smiles. I smile back.
Then it hits me, what if am pregnant? Oh My God, what am i going to do.
As if he is reading my thoughts he says, "you have to take postinor 2 (P2)" i stare at him. He continues "just so you don't get pregnant"
"what is that?" believe you me, i have never heard of that drug, i didn't even know there is a drug you take to prevent pregnancy.
"where can i find it?"
"we will just buy it at a chemist " he looks at me.
Am too embarrassed to go to a chemist, because am thinking, oh no,  the chemist is gonna know that i just had sex.
"you are the one who is going to buy," i tell him and he says okay
he buys the drug and i take it.
the rest of the way we dont talk, we just walk in silence. we were going to a party.
out of the blue he asks me, "are we going to do this again?"
what do you think my response was?

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