Friday 30 November 2018


The first time i had sex was with my Husband. 

The chemistry was fierce and the Love was burning.
Back then he was just a good friend and we were just getting to know each other. 
I liked him and loved his body, his personality was different and i couldn't figure him out.
Curiosity led me to him. That was the reason he got access to my body.
I was a university student when i met him in my first year, the first semester. But i dint have sex with him until my second year, the second semester. I remember well because it was on a Saturday, April and the day i lost my innocence.
we had a good relationship because we were best friends, he would confide in me and so would i, we loved each others company and usually talked about how we were never ever going to get bored of each other.
The Love, The Sex was the beginning of a new chapter for me.
Tune in tomorrow to find out what happened.

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