Tuesday 18 December 2018


When i woke up, tee was already home and i was bleeding heavily. i had been warned that that would happen, so i knew that the pills were working. we did not talk much about the situation. tee only enquired how i was feeling and he took care of me.
the guilt wouldn't leave me but the deed had already been done. i had already completed my second year first semester exams. the abortion took place after i had completed my exams. i vowed to myself that i would not have any more sex.
the event drew us more closer, tee and i, if something the love grew stronger. i felt more vulnerable and i did not like how much i needed him. i needed time away from him, so we parted ways and i went back home. everytime i looked at my family, i thought to myself you people have no idea the things i have done. especially my mum.
she was a staunch christian. of course she tried for us to follow the lords ways and be committed. that i was, i had the lord in my heart, everyone is prone to mistakes even the ones we do knowingly.
tee and i kept in touch, he even came home to find out how i was doing. he gave me support and i loved that about him. sometimes i thought to myself that if i never met him, that would not have happenned to me.
he was a nice guy, of all the guys i had met before he was THE MAN. i never told anyone about what i did the only people who new were tee, vik and i. i like sufferring alone, helps me figure things out. there were no health complications untill four weeks later, by then i was back in school but was early by a week since the semester was yet to start.
i was home alone watching a movie, i stood up to go drink some water but then i fainted. my body just grew weak and my legs would not support me.

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