Thursday 6 December 2018


"you wanna go for an HIV test? I asked him, this was one year into our intense romance and of course a lot of raw sex.
"yeah sure, why not? but i guarantee you that i am negative"
"i don't have any doubt about that" I replied. i trusted him so much like i would even give him my heart. Wait, i already did that.
We had not talked about love yet, we joked about it. Said how much we hate love and what lovers do. We were just denying ourselves the fact that we were hopelessly in love or at least i was deep in love with this man.
"Hello guys, Cherry you know that Tee is HIV Positive" We met with some of his friends on our way to the hospital.
"Yeah right" i replied. of course, i knew they were joking around.
We got to the hospital, had our tests taken and we were both negative.
"you had really believed that i was positive?" he stared at me.
"of course not" i laughed just to ease up the moment and we had a good laugh.
The series of unprotected wild sex continued and then boom! came my missing periods.
And right there the dark moments began

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