Tuesday 18 December 2018


when i was done crying he asked me if i knew how to do it. i told him i did not but a friend of mine was gonna help me. we smoked some more weed and ate some more and slept on it.
i could not believe that i was going to have an abortion. i asked God to forgive me countless times and so did i ask my child.
a new day was here, the sun was up and the world was shining, but my world was crushing. it felt like i was in darkness. Tee wanted to come with me but i told him no, i was going to do this by myself.
i went and saw the guy, gave him the money and he gave me the pills and gave me the instructions on what to do.
as i went back home, all i thought about was how safe is this, what if i die? i had countless questions . just before i do it, i will have to think about it. i bought some weed, went home cooked a meal and put on a movie to watch. i was too afraid.
cherry you have to see this to the end, after smoking some more weed, i took the pills and slept.
tee was not home.

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